The trick is to put your brush in a seperate carrier bag, your roller in another, then place both in another carrier bag, this will stop any air getting to it from the airholes in the carrier bags.
I do it all the time in my work, and it does keep the roller and brush from going hard, and saves you lots of times if you are doing a few coats.If I have to wait 2 hours for paint to dry how is it my brush and roller start to go hard while on tea break ?
Thankyou for choosing mine, much appreciated.
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If I have to wait 2 hours for paint to dry how is it my brush and roller start to go hard while on tea break ?
oh the mysteries of the universe, buses travelling in pairs, washing machines eating socks, when will we know the answers to these questions ;-)
The paint on the wall has started dry too. I believe most walls are dry to touch in 2 hours but need 24 hours to completely dry. The wall is maybe in the shade more or the paint had more water still in it then most of the paint on the paint brush. There are lots of factors to why the paint brush was dryer. You should put it in a moist plastic bag. I spray mine with a spray bottle full of water if I am taking a longer break.
do like me always put your roller paint brush and tray in a plastic keeps for days let alone hours
Because although the paint is starting to go hard on the brush it is still wet, whereas on the wall it does start getting hard like on the brush but you cant tell because it is such a thin layer. So if you touch your walls and paint brush every 10 mins they should both be as wet or as dry as eachother. And also 2 hours is how long it takes for the walls to become completely dry.
Sods law i'm afraid
wrap in plastic, could be trash bag or grocery bag, make sure the plastic is touching, hugging against the brush or roller and twist shut, can keep 'em good for a couple days
There is more surface area on the bristles of your brush. I recommend if you go on break wrap the brushes in a plastic bag tight. That will keep it moist.
yes, put them in a bucket of water or something
some times, if you put more ppaint into the roller pan, then put your paint roller into it and cover the entire pan with a tarp, a two hour waite mat be possable, andmaybe even a bit further
get some cling film and wrap the brush in it is will stay moist
wrap it in a plastic baggie
l clean my brushes before i go anywhere.A short break,no.Plastic works for that.I clean because i dont like to reuse a firm brush from paint,dont care how soft you keep it,the brush is still clogged with drying paint.If your brush gets real hard your tea break is to long.
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